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Abandoning The Jonah Mindset

A lot of times we can allow any number of things from holding us back from pursuing what we are called to do and who we're supposed to be. It can be feelings,thoughts, circumstances, lack of confidence, or even the past from holding us back . I call it the Jonah Mindset. You may ask me why? Well Jonah allowed fear to take over and ran from his calling and what God was calling him to do. We all know the rest of the story. That after trying to run from the calling and there was a life threatening storm as a result from it.As the story goes on a great fish swallowed him up for 3 days and 3 nights. After Jonah decided to stop running from what he was called to do which was go to the city of Nineveh to warn the people that the city would be destroyed unless they turn from their way and turn to God. Then they would be safe. A lot of times in life that's how we can take on the" Jonah mindset". We choose to take the easier path. We choose to put the things we know we're supposed to be or do on the back burner or choose to do what we want instead of what God has for us. Yes it may look easier in the present to do things our way and run from our calling.But if we chase after our calling and walk in obedience no matter how hard it looks or gets we will experience God's blessing and provision in our lives. The Bible says in Dueteronomy 31:6 it says " So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid do not panic before them.For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you.H will neither fail you or abandon you. I encourage all of us to run your race and chase that calling with everything in you. Then and only then you will see God work in through and for you in your life.

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