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Be Willing To Go The Distance

There's been seasons in life that I want to see change . I wanted God's best but something He's showed me is that I wasn't willing to let go, do whatever it took and go the distance. Until I was forced too. In order to pursue God's best and His purpose and plan, He'll place us in seasons and situations where at times it's uncomfortable and where you have no choice but to have total dependence on Him. I came from a place where the job I had for years I thought wasn't going anywhere, we lived in a house where I thought we'd never move out of and my family lived not too far away. Everything was going pretty good. Until one day my whole world came crashing down. The company I was with was going under and some of my family moved back to where we came from and our mortgage doubled. Even though I said I trusted God i realize looking back I really didn't. I put my trust dependence and faith in the company and my family having thinking they'll never move away. I was so bitter, angry,frustrated how my life and family's life had turned out. I went through multiple jobs then God called us to opening up our own handyman business. At first it was a rough start. There were countless times I wanted to give up and just get another job. But if you start on the path He has you on a turn around is headed your way. But sometimes you have to be willing to take the journey and let Him work in and on you to get you to where you need to be. Sometimes that journey can be rough but I can tell you that it's worth it. If your willing to go the distance for God's best and plan for your life. I can guarantee you there will be sacrifices, hard times, rough roads, and at times it won't make sense. But I guarantee you it's all worth it. God is always faithful and will take care and provide for us. If we put him first priority in our lives above everything. If we just focus on Him and stay in the posture of surrender then that's when miracles start happening.

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