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Being Prepared to Go Into Battle

Do you ever get tempted to throw the towel in or think that giving up would be so much easier? Maybe you get discouraged or second guess your calling, life decisions, relationships etc. ?

Let me tell you we have all been there but let me share with you and hopefully this will encourage you and share with you some tactics when you face those days/ seasons.

It is SO CRUCIAL in our everyday life that we are ALWAYS on guard and prepared for the spiritual attacks that come our way. How we do that you may ask and what do they look like? First I want to share with you what The Word says

In 1 Peter 5:8 (TPT) it says to ,

Be well balanced and always alert, because your enemy, the devil, roams around incessantly, like a roaring lion looking for its prey to devour.

The truth is the devil hates you and me. He consistently seeks us out ESPECIALLY

the times in life when we feel weary, discouraged, stressed, have a argument with our spouse or family member etc.

When either we've started to step into what God calls us to and operate into our calling , or even if we are already doing what God's called us to, the enemy will ALWAYS seek out those moments in our fragility to place thoughts of doubt in our mind and tempt us to throw the towel in and try to convince us that it's not worth it and that it'd be a easier road going in another direction.

But if we're not careful and aware of the attacks we will find ourselves getting ourselves in a pit and forfeiting the very thing we were created to do and be.

God's plan and ways are never easy. But it's ALWAYS worth it. If it was easy we wouldn't need too rely on Him for strength, guidance, direction, provision, and so much more to do in life.

In James 4:7 it says (TPT) So then, surrender to God. Stand up to the devil and resist him and he will flee in agony.

It is hard to stand up when you are weak in heart and you are in a state of fragility, etc. I get it. Because all too often I find myself in that place as well. But in those moments in important to remember that we are NEVER alone

In Isaiah 41: 10 The Message Translation it says,

Don’t panic. I’m with you. There’s no need to fear for I’m your God.

I’ll give you strength. I’ll help you. I’ll hold you steady, keep a firm grip on you.

Today I encourage you to find and take the time to find scriptures to stand on when the attacks come. Don't wait until you get attacked. Prepare to go into battle and if you do and you win the battle and share with a close person what your facing. You were NEVER meant to go through or fight alone.

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