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Choosing To Stay On The Narrow Road

Let's be honest with ourselves.At times we can face difficulties and we find ourselves in a dry season. Sometimes it's a rare and doesn't last that long. But at other times it can seem like the norm and it's never ending. We can keep on praying and praying but we just don't see our prayers answered and we feel like our prayers just hit the roof. The thing we have to grasp is that God hears every one of our requests and prayers. But sometimes the things we are believing and asking Him for gets put on hold because of the big picture He sees that we don't that I shared in a previous day. When that happens it's so easy to second guess if we are doing the right thing or are we are supposed to be or do what we're doing? Then we start to think if we take the easy way out my situation would things just work out better for me right now. That kind of mindset would be going down the wide road. It can seem smooth sailing for a while and we think why in the world would I stay on this narrow road. But here is the only problem. If we decide to take the easy way out. Yes it might pull you out of whatever situation, circumstance for the season your in right now. However you have to ask yourself these questions 1. Am I compromising my calling and purpose in what I know and feel in my heart the things I was meant to do? 2. Will taking a different path set me up for the good now as well for later on down the road?. 3. Will this decision I make show that I am trusting in God or in my self sufficiency to make things happen faster? 4. What example am I showing people around me now and what's the legacy I will be leaving for future generations? I encourage you no matter what your situation looks like right now stay on the narrow road because later on. God will use your story as a testimony of His faithfulness and goodness.

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