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Choosing To Trust The Big Picture

In seasons of our lives we can get easily frustrated when we don't see the plans, purpose and promises of God being fulfilled in different areas of our lives. I know that it can be so easy in our human thinking to take matters in our own hands and try to make things happen faster. We live in a day and age where everything has become so instant and most things available to us when we want it. We take on this mindset that everything even the plans of God should be happening now. But in Jeremiah 29:11 it says" For I know the plans I have for you says The Lord.They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope".When we take things in our own hands then we can create not only delay but disastrous situations as well. But here is the thing if we choose to trust the big picture that God sees instead of trying to make things happen now when we only see what's going on in front of us then in the end we'll avoid creating situations and going down paths that God never intended for us to go down. I encourage you to start trusting the big picture that God sees no matter how crazy and frustrating it can seem.

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