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Are you feeling stuck? Are you in a waiting season or not seeing your prayers answered? Maybe you got a report from your doctor that you still have the illness? Maybe you children aren’t at that point in seeing how great our God is? Maybe you haven’t received that promotion from your job? Maybe you haven’t received that financial breakthrough? Whatever it is you’re believing for I believe sometimes the changes, desires, or dreams of our heart that get put on the back burner or seem impossible and we think how could it ever happen. Sometimes we give up too quickly. I just want to encourage you DON'T GIVE UP!! Brush yourself off take it off the back burner and P.U.S.H. (Pray until Something Happens) I want to ask you something. How bad do you want it? Try and even ask God to reveal to you why there is a delay? For me there was a season in my life that I realized that God had to change my heart and motives. After I allowed God to work on me and my life he started laying out the ground work and we started seeing things come together. I believe that God takes us through a preparation season. We may not see it like that at the time. But I promise you that when it happens you'll look back and realize what God was doing. Jeremiah 29:11 says For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord. they are plans for good and not for disaster, To give you a future and a hope, and Habakkuk 2:3 it says This vision is for a future time. It describes the end, And it will be fulfilled. if it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, For it will surely take place. It will not be delayed. so I encourage you today to start thanking God for the delay and for the things you may be going through right now. Because he is preparing you for greater things than we could even imagine. He is working behind the scenes on your behalf and preparing you for whatever you’re believing for will advance his kingdom. Because when God starts opening up the doors and things start coming together. Not only will God show up on your behalf and He'll show off not for our glory but to show how powerful and mighty of a prayer answering God we serve. I encourage you to be Kingdom Minded. Once we grab a hold of that mindset that anything and everything we pursue and do gives and show God glory that's when things start happening.

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