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Developing The Leader Within

Personal growth starts with us. But we have to have the 4 D's. Desire, Dream, Decision and Determination. Reminds me of that quote from Sister Act 2.If you wanna be somebody, if you wanna go somewhere you gotta wake up and pay attention. Wake yourself up. Wake up the 4 D's in you with 4 the P's, Potential, Purpose,Passion, and Persistence.Search out and connect with people that have common goals that has the 4 P's to go on the journey with you. Lastly be teachable, try what you've been taught, and teach others to do the same. It's crucial to find people you can learn and gain knowledge from with the D's and P's. Because then we may be able to learn from their journey and avoid some paths they had to go through to get to where they are.It's never too late and we're never too old to go after our dreams and teach and inspire others to do the same. We're the only ones that can determine that. I encourage you to find books and find people to go throughout together with you. Life is all about relationships and doing life with people. We can't pursue thing alone.

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