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The Pattern of Cycles

Have you ever experienced those spiritual high moments at times. By that I mean things are going great (even if you are still are in a season of waiting) , but you are walking in the spirit, praying , reading the Word. But there are those other moments that happens sometime after that just seems to drag us back down to the pit where we just came out of. This is a dangerous pattern of a cycle. We can have those venerable moments and listen and allow those things to creep its way back into our minds and we can convince ourselves of anything and because we aren't continually aware of the cycle and we lose that victory we had faster than you can blink. Satan knows your weakness and when to bring up those things to drag you back down to that pit you came out of. That is why it is so crucial that we stay strong in prayer and walk in the Spirit at all times even if we don't feel like it. If we let our emotions rule the heart and mind in us. Then we have made ourselves a target. Especially in those moments where we experience feelings of weariness, stress, anxiety, fear, etc. But if we hide the Word in our heart and not let our guard down then we will always be prepared and ready to fight and break off the cycles that the enemy tries to throw at us. There is power in the Name of Jesus to break off ALL patterns and cycles Just remember God always has great plans whatever stage of the process of the journey your in. Sometimes He allows things to so we draw closer to Him and depend on Him fully. Other times the purpose is to prepare us for the next season or to stretch us or even to break the things off our lives so we can live and walk in the freedom He died for us for. Whatever it is God has you in His Hands. Trust Him

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