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Today I want to share with you after you that in some seasons after you receive what you believe for there may be some trials or hard times that God allows to draw you closer and to rely on Him and His promises more. During the 9 month pregnancy…….. But throughout everything we had gone through God stayed faithful and true to His Word and promises and today Jayden is completely whole and normal and we know that God has amazing things and a call on his life. Your kids, family member, or friend might have had a relationship with God at one time and was living for God but something happened, or you may be experiencing a season of hard ships with what you believed for. God allows trials to take place so we continually F.R.O.G. (Fully Rely On God) in the good and hard times. If we didn’t experience hardships or chaos and everything was smooth in life there’d be no reason for us to come to God and rely on Him. Because He wants us to need Him and rely and trust in Him in the small and big things. I encourage you today to keep believing! Your turn around is coming

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