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Fire & Focus

Let me ask you something. When was the last time you were so fired up and passionate about something in life that make you unstoppable? Are you chasing and living out that now? If not why ? Yesterday I shared about the 4 D & P's to day I wanted to follow up with the 2 F's in order to tap into your purpose and calling. You have to have Focus and Fire! Lets start off with Focus. Focus means pay particular attention too. In life if we allow it we can let a few things happen that brings poison to the fire and focus in us. 1. We listen and allow the wrong and/or negative people in our circle that spoke their opinions/beliefs into and over the fire and focus we once had for our dreams,desires, or ambitions and we settled and accepted those things. As result we let the fire and focus fade and die or 2. We let life hit us hard with forcing us to put our dreams desires and passions on hold thinking someday we will pick it up. Because we took on the mindset of this is as good as it's going to get. NEWSFLASH!!!!! YOUR SEASON AND TIME HAS ARRIVED!Destiny is knocking on your door. Are you ready to pick up where you left off. Fan the flame and get your fire and focus back!!! Surround yourself with the right people. Let me ask you something if not now when? You can make every excuse in the book and keep lying to yourself and stay where you are or you can rise from the ashes say to yourself its my time my season My greatest days are yet ahead of me not behind me. Stop fulfilling someone's dream and purpose and go pursue your own. Give yourself permission to dream again. Life is too short to leave those things i side of you behind. Be a dream and purpose chaser!

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