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Updated: Sep 22, 2022

I want to ask you something where and what has your focus been on? I believe one of the greatest tactics that the enemy uses and creates is distraction,worry, and fear. Over the last several years I've seen the whole world has been drastically changed . As a result it's created distraction fear panic uncertainty confusion etc. We've all have had to go through major adjustments and it's hit home and affects us in so many ways. But let me ask you. Instead of looking for answers in the news, media, social media etc....What if we went to our creator and filled out mind and spirit with what the Word says? For instance most of us at the last of the year we write down a New year resolution list. How many of us has worked on that list to achieving what we set out to do? I'll be the first to admit I haven't. It's time that we STOP letting what's going on around us affect us so much that it's steers us off the course that we're supposed to run and the things we're supposed to do. One last thing our God is bigger than ANYTHING we'll EVER face! He's got you! This is still the year and decade for great things to happen in your life. Get ready!

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