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God's Ways Are Sometimes Crazy

We serve a God who sometimes call us to the crazy, unheard of, uncommon, and unpractical things. But before we really dig deep in this. Let me give you a few examples.

Noah- God told him to build an ark because of the flood that was going to come. EVERYONE thought he was crazy but he obeyed and followed God nonetheless and his family was spared because of his obedience and following Gods plan.

David- He was laughed at including his own brothers thinking how can God use him to take down Goliath. He could of caved in and allowed the negativity to lead him astray from Gods calling and will but NO! He had enough faith in God to see it through and because he didn't let the thing that was crazy, unheard of, and uncommon God used him to defeat Goliath.

There's many more examples I can give you. But it's time to move on.

God might call you to start a ministry, business, pursue a certain career, share your faith with someone who you think would NEVER accept the things you have to say. What ever the case may be. If you KNOW that Gods calling you it's SO CRUCIAL that YOU FOLLOW!!

Because id your obedient no matter how the thing looks like. Blessings, Provision ( not just finances if necessary) , Support and EVERYTHING YOU NEED will follow. But if have to have a determination and guts to be like whether it sounds impossible and uncommon or ridiculously crazy I WILL STILL FOLLOW what God placed and birthed in my heart to do PERIOD! The risk of not following Gods plan and purpose is too great and too dangerous. Because you never know how Gods going to use you and what in your heart to minister and carry out his plan and purpose for you being here. WE ALL have a PURPOSE for having breath in our lungs and living. But it's up to you to dare and be bold enough to take that risk. Risk of it failing, being humiliated, losing friends or family support or even relationships, financial security, etc. Is it worth playing it safe or stepping out in the water and saying okay Jesus here I am send me! NO MATTER THE COST!!

Joshua 1:9 says This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Just remember our fleshly, doubting thoughts or peoples thoughts will come into play but Isaiah 55:8 says For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.

Keep the faith! Don't give up!

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