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Gratitude By Reanna Byrd


A pity party, or more accurately, a tantrum, led to this devotional today. This time of year has struck up some feelings in me. Why don’t I have a house yet? I want to decorate for Christmas. I want to bake all the fun yummy things in my kitchen with Christmas music blaring and decorate cookies with my family. I want to hang stockings by the chimney with care. I want to wake up Christmas morning with my family and enjoy breakfast and presents. Will I be able to give my family the Hallmark Christmas that I want? After several minutes of crying and boohooing, revelation came. The Holy Spirit once again gently brought me off of my pedestal to bring perspective. What are others worried about this year? In our community, many don’t even know if they will get their next meal. Where will they sleep tonight? For them, what would a Christmas present be? Would they ask for something practical, or maybe something nostalgic from their childhood? They have needs so far beyond my selfish little dream. Besides the homeless, many families that have homes, are working hard at keeping them. Where are their worries today? What do they wish for this Christmas season? What a perspective shift!

What do I have today? I have a warm place to stay with a family that loves me. My family is healthy and strong. We eat every meal, in excess at times. My God has supplied all my needs! He was reminding me of Philippians 4:5-7, “ Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember, the Lord is coming soon. Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”

We are all in different boats this year. Some of us are worried and complaining about our first world problems, while others are going without food. Others are rightfully worried about keeping their home, while our neighbors don’t know if they can give their kids a Christmas. I am challenging you to think about the second part of this verse, to thank God for all He has done. We can be great at throwing our tantrums and making our requests known, but are we expressing gratitude for what He has already done? I don’t know about you, but I needed a shift of my mindset, to take my eyes off of my concerns and think about others.

We as a family are going to come up with a plan on giving of ourselves this Christmas, to make it special for someone else. I challenge you to pray and thank God for what you have, then ask Him how you can bless someone else. We could all use His promise of peace.

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