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Having An Unshakable Faith

In order for us to receive the things that we are praying for and believing for we MUST have an unshakable faith. You may ask Jonny what does that mean, or how do I get that. First what it means is this. Not being moved by what is going on around you no matter how bad it looks. How do I get that kind of faith? You may ask? Here's a few steps. Spend Time in Prayer and in The Word Prayer is not just asking God for what we need or to bless our food. It's our direct connection to Him and making the time to find scriptures that concern your situation and what your believing for. For example when you study for a test you go through to find the answers so you can pass. Taking the time to find scriptures for the answer to your situation is the same thing. Let me ask you something. Are you at the point you'd do ANYTHING to see your prayers answered? How bad do you truly want it? Lastly if you had to sacrifice something or work toward something to receive it are you genuinely willing to do it. Now in an instant we'd say yes. But before you do pause for a moment to reflect before answering. If your answer is still yes. These are some keys to doing it. 1.Set aside some one on one time with God. Let me ask you this. What if instead of watching TV, getting on Social Media or whatever you do to wind down before going to bed. What if we dedicated that time for God? Now it is easier said than done. Because I'm the same way. But what if we played worship music and spent time with our Heavenly Father and that was the key to unlocking the answers,miracles, and blessings in our lives. Would it be worth it? Would it also be worth it if we humbled ourselves and allowed God to work in and on us so He can be position us to receive. I guarantee you it will be a hard process. But in the end it will be worth it. Lastly..... 2. Take time to sit and listen For me God has spoken in various forms in my life. He may not respond to what we want to hear or how the way we'd like or even the timing. But the important thing is always stay and position yourself in a place and having the mindset to receive what He has for us.

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