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Hold On To The Vision

Updated: Mar 9, 2022

A lot of times when God births or gives us a dream to do or be something that is for the kingdom sometimes He'll put a stop sign in front of us. As hard as it is because once we get excited we want to pursue and execute it. But sometimes God puts a hold on things for our benefit. It says in Habakkuk 2:3-4

And then God answered: “Write this. Write what you see. Write it out in big block letters so that it can be read on the run. This vision-message is a witness pointing to what’s coming. It aches for the coming—it can hardly wait! And it doesn’t lie. If it seems slow in coming, wait. It’s on its way. It will come right on time. (The Message)

It's so crucial that we write out the vision. Why? Because for a couple different reasons.

  1. You can go back and when you feel like giving up on the thing God promised or put in your heart to do . You can say NO! I'm NOT GIVING UP OR SETTLING ! God IS AND WILL DO THIS!

2. Sometimes God will only give you a glimpse of the vision and dream He birthed inside of you. When all along we think that is the whole picture. So if we write out the vision/dream we later on can add to it!

So it's important to realize that if it doesn't seem that everything is falling into place. Don't be discouraged.... in time it will come to pass.

Just remember that ITS NEVER TOO LATE! Even if you had the dream to do something when you were 18 and now you maybe in your 40's or above. The plans of God has NO AGE OR TIME RESTRAINTS PERIOD!

For instance God had called me to the ministry when I was 16 yrs old. At first I was so stoked and overjoyed and had wrapped around my mind for years that I was going to Pastor a church. Well time went on. I my late teens-early 20's God placed a passion and a desire to other things as well . However there was only 1 problem. I was not mature, ready, or prepared enough at the time. Looking back I see now I was in a season I was still learning and involved in other obligations. So eventually I put it on the back burner. But as the years and time went by God started to not only shift my heart and desires in different ways to open my eyes that EVERYTHING is that He calls us to is for His glory and to reach out to a dying world. If God wouldn't of put the brakes and allowed different roadblocks in my path at the time. I wouldn't of had the time needed to experience the setbacks and experienced life lessons along the way . I also wouldn't of grown and matured spiritually and been fully prepared to minister and developed the heart for the lost and broken that was needed to be used by God. I can say now at 40 yrs old. God has birthed a new thing that's combined with the original vision/dream He's birthed in my heart. Things are being confirmed and God is doing a new thing. Just like He did for me. I know He can and He will do it for you!

God will prompt you in your Spirit and you will know when the time is right! Plus He will confirm it to you and to other people too to help you with the vision. When that time comes. Pick up and brush yourself off!! GET READY!! Be prepared for your GOD-SIZED dream to come to fruition! Because God hasn't forgotten about you. IT'S NOT TOO LATE! Doesn't matter what you age or situation looks like!! Your life is just beginning!

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