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It's 2023! Time to Wake Up & Rise Up!

We are still around the first of the year and with that said I just want to encourage you to leave ALL things that happened last year and years before behind. It's time for us as sons and daughters of God to wake up and rise up!!

The time has come to let go and shake yourself loose of the old and the past things that have happened and held you back! Buckle up and take the authority that you have in Christ to do spiritual warfare. Because then and ONLY then will you experience the victory and change.

1 John 4:4 says, "Greater is He (God) that is in you than he (the enemy) that is in the world!"

Revelation 12:11 says," They won the victory over him because of the blood of the lamb

and the word of their testimony."

We are overcomers. Starting today I encourage you to take a stand rise up & declare with boldness and authority over your life, your family and children's lives, as well as people that are close to you that enough is enough! I (they) are chosen anointed and appointed to do great things in 2023 and that the enemy can't have them because they have a destiny to fulfill for a God ordained purpose! Speak the Word and declare it daily. Write it out and post it on your mirror or dash of the car. Somewhere where you'll see it daily.

Lastly if there is something you feel that God has called you to do, be a part of, or pursue take it off the back burner and go for it! The time is NOW!! DON'T HOLD BACK!!

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