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It's NOT Over Yet!

Now is NOT the time to be discouraged and accept how things are. Instead of giving up what we all need to do right now is to STOP listening to the media news social media etc. and start seeking and interceding for our country like never before. We need to come together repent on the behalf of our country ,unite believe what the Word says and agree that the evil and the enemies plans will be exposed and truth will be made known. Because we don't wrestle against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness. Because the truth is this thing is NOT over yet! Even though in the natural it that it is. But something we have to be aware of is the God is ALL powerful than any position in government and Gods going to move stronger than we've EVER witnessed before. There's a revival coming that's gonna spread like wildfire. Remember when the Pharisees and Satan thought they won when Jesus was crucified. But 3 days later BOOM!!! Jesus DEFEATED and kicked Satan butt, hell, death, and the grave. Look up to heaven saints because our greatest days are NOT behind us. They are just ahead! Our hope is not in a President or any government or side. Our hope is in The Lord God Almighty! Remember the same God who delivered the children of Israel out of Egypt is the same God who is going to deliver us from the evil from what's going on in our country. Keep the faith Facebook family. Never go and be silent in your faith We will overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony!

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