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Letting Go

Something God has really been showing me this week and is letting go of control and stepping back to re-evaluate where my priorities are and start allowing Him to re-align where they need to be. A lot of times we can let the busyness of life take a threshold can get wrapped in our jobs, daily activities and commitments etc. We ask and believe God for things and want Him to move but the problem is there's no room for Him to move because our schedules are so full. What if we allow God to take FULL control of our daily schedules including our job and daily commitments? Now that is a hard one because we all like to have control and its hard because we know are so self reliant and dependent that in some areas there is that security. But what if we allow God to take and have FULL control then I believe there is a life that God wants us to experience FULL of His peace, joy, provision and blessings. All we have to do is say okay God here I am. You direct my steps my day and schedule. What what and how God moves! I dare you!

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