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Living in The Moment vs. Dwelling On The Circumstances

I want to share today with you about life situations and how we choose to react to those things affect us. Many of us know this but it affects every part of our lives.Our health, emotions, attitudes, relationships, work, family, marriage even children. For the longest time I was in denial at times, convincing myself that I didn't have a choice and how I react to those things are just the way it is. However in reality we do. We all pick up on behavior's, mindsets how we react to situations, circumstances etc. Now some are positive but at the same time some can be negative. I know for me it was the upbringing I had. There was so many times that there was stress that happened due to financial stress etc. But I have recently re-realized with having a family when life happens I can let it rob my joy, peace, and the time I have with my family or I can choose to completely give it to God and live and be present in the moment for them and myself. Because in the end it doesn't matter how much or how little money we have, whether we get that promotion or not or even having or not having the things we want. But when it is all said and done. Our health,relationships,marriage, family, and children, are far more important than things, money etc.We can't let situations or circumstances rob us and the people we love and cherish of being present in those moments in life. Because we can't get them back. We've got to get and stay in that place in God that no matter what happens we realize that He has our backs, situations and He won't fail us. Stay the course and look to God instead of what's going on around you. Then when we do that it will leave a legacy and example for people we love and cherish

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