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Revival Starts With Us

If we want to see a change in our families, marriage, children, personal life, church, community,work, etc. We have to be willing to take the steps to make it happen. For example If I want to get healthy. I have to take the necessary steps to change the way I eat or exercise or things will stay the same. You may be thinking what is the first step or where does it start? Very simple.It starts with you and at the home. It doesn't start with your Pastor or at the church. Where it's birthed is when we get to that place in God and we become so desperate to see Him move in areas of our lives that we become unstoppable in our prayer life and we become so hungry for God's Word. That everything else that goes on around us seems so little. Because if we permanently stay in the place and we meditate on the promises of God for each situation, circumstance, struggle, relationship etc. You better get ready and buckle up. Because I promise you. A revival will breakout and it will spread like a wildfire onto other people around you. It will be contagious and pretty soon we will see our marriages restored, children coming back to God, breakthroughs and miracles taking place in our communities. It's time to take a stand and step into the authority we have in Christ and run the enemy out every area in our lives and take back everything that he stole from us. What the devil meant to take you down and destroy you. God's going to restore and the enemy will regret even messing with us. We are sons and daughters of God. Let's take our place in God and start living the victorious life.

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