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Seeking God During The Process

Lets face it....

Its SO EASY to let our guard down allow the busyness of life take the place of seeking God especially in times of seasons of waiting for the promises of God. But here is the downside and danger to that if we put prayer and seeking God on the backburner our flesh comes creeping in and we can allow discouragement, frustration, worry, anxiety, fear any more to take a hold of our minds and emotions. That's why it is so crucial to stay connected to God in prayer worship and His Word as well as walk in the Spirit DAILY!! Because if we do God will give us the grace, strength, joy, peace and assurance that He is working on our behalf and when we do that we will walk and live out joy despite what it look s like in the physical realm. We cannot go by our feelings. We have to learn and discipline ourselves to go by what His Word says. It's also so crucial that we find strong faith filled believers to walk with and beside us during this process. Let me tell you something. Finding people to walk with you in the process doesn't make you look weak. None of us weren't meant to go through not just life but any season or situation alone. Reaching out shows a sign of strength because there are strength in numbers .

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