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Stop Making Excuses! Get Up! Shake Yourself Off & Go!

A lot of times we can let many things to keep us trapped from chasing our calling that we were meant to do. Just to name a few 1.Fear- We can let fearful thoughts, emotions, memories, situations, experiences, etc stop and keep us from pursuing and chasing our callings. 2. Opinions & Words Spoken To or About Us- All of us value other peoples opinions. Whether it be family, friends, co-workers, boss, or acquaintances. But if we're not careful we can allow the wrong words and people's opinions affect how they view or think of us. So as a result it can make a impact and difference in chasing our calling. It is so crucial that we make sure we surround ourselves with positive, encouraging people. So when we have those moments that we are down we can have the right people in our corner there to pull us back up and push us to stay the course and keep moving. 3. Excuses- One other way is we can let excuses keep us from pursuing and chasing the calling. We can convince and justify our excuses now, but in the end we'll wish we had. I encourage you no matter your age the situation or circumstance, STOP MAKING EXCUSES! GET UP! SHAKE YOURSELF OFF & GO CHASE YOUR PURPOSE WITH MORE PASSION DETERMINATION AND DESIRE LIKE NEVER BEFORE !

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