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The Power of Being The One To See a Change

Updated: Sep 22, 2022

First I want to say that this past year everything we've dealt and are still dealing with is a spiritual attack. Not against each other. But that is what everyone has been spending their time and millions of dollars this past year trying to spread fear of this virus and political hogwash and trying their best to cause division of races between and into us. This gif is what I have to say to them. Because the reality is and what the world doesn't realize and has forgotten is Greater is He in us than ANYTHING and ANYONE in the world. In a sense a humor I'm convinced they are a part of the dark side lol. But we all know in the end the dark side loses. So I and everyone out their like me knows better . So your mind tricks don't work on us. Because not only am we covered with the blood of Jesus but we fear NOTHING and we all know our God is greater than the media, news, any virus, and government. Yes the virus is real but so is everything else. It's time we unite as a country Stop focusing on viruses, politics, indifferences, racial differences and start focusing on not only how you want to end this year, but how you want next year to be! The sooner we STOP giving and letting and giving the media, politicians, etc power over the way we live think, feel, react about things then the sooner we'll see the change we all want. But its starts with us. Not with the government not the media. It starts the just one person. The power of one can make a world of a difference . So I encourage you to be that one. Because if you start than other people will follow. Instead of fear being contagious let our faith be the game changer. #bethechange#thepowerofone#chooseunityoverdivision

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