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The Process of Waiting On God

Over the next couple of days I am going to share with you some examples that my prayer and hope is that it will encourage you in the seasons of waiting on God, His timing, and holding on to God during life’s rough experiences. My wife Reanna and I have had to tried for 6 years to have a baby during those six years it was so hard because all of our friends and some family were starting and expanding their families. We had even got to the point where we painted one of the extra bedrooms in the house we had lived in at the time in faith not know how or when we’d conceive. We had taken a picture in faith of a pair of baby shoes and our shoes having the quote our family is growing. Then on Thanksgiving Day 2012, Reanna had taken a pregnancy test almost through it in the trash and glanced at it, it showed it was positive. She took a duplicate one thinking could it actually be true? It came out positive as well. God’s timing is ALWAYS perfect. God knew that Reanna and I had some growing together to do before that miracle in our lives took place and today we have a wonderful son Jayden who just makes our family so great. In the following chapter I will share how God brought us through another season. But I want to encourage you again that God’s timing is perfect and there is a reason for everything. God ALWAYS has your best interest at heart. He’s an on- time God!

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