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Total Surrender in Every Season Brings Blessing

Total Surrender in Every Season Brings Blessing

I know that it's been months since I've shared . But I believe sometimes God allows you to go through some difficult times for a reason. So I'm going to just lay it out there straight. This year has been a roller coaster. As I'm sure it's been for everyone at some point for each and every one of u. With the COVID virus. People losing jobs, homes, security etc. I don't know about you , but me personally it seems that I learn the same lesson over and over again. God tries to show me and proof himself time and time again. Instead I can be like the children of Israel. While headed to the promise land God provided for them, but still yet they complained and focused on the negative things around them. All too often I myself as I'm sure with other people we can focus on we think how and when God should move and when we don't see it we can get into a few different stages.

1. Frustration- It happens when we don't see the promises and blessings come our way in the way we expect and think God should move. We forget the times and ways He's already provided.

2. Discouragement That's a big one. WARNING!! If we don't STOP and take authority and surrender to God and choose to focus on Him and give him FULL CONTROL over EVERY situation NO MATTER how it look in reality then that is a dangerous pit to dig ourselves into.

3. Doubt/Unbelief & Giving into Temptation to Give Up-

I know I combined a few stages together but this is the final and last stage. This is a stage it's really hard to dig yourselves out of because you get into the mindset and thoughts run through your mind. Like did God really call me or was this His plan? I'd be better off going another direction, I've failed, I guess this is good as it's going to get etc.NEWSFLASH!!! Those are lies from the enemy himself. The ONLY thing we fail at in those seasons is total surrender and giving FULL CONTROL TO GOD!! Let's face it and be honest with ourselves. It so easy to say yeah I trust God but do we really? Take a moment to reflect on it. Do I really trust God to take care of me in EVERY area when the storms hit and things don't seem to go our way. Truth is no matter what it's so crucial to not take on the mindset and get ourselves in a position of defeat. God is ALL POWERFUL.NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE FOR HIM!! Have faith you will see the manifestation of God's miracle working power in your life and situation!!

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