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Trust the Process Part 2

3 years ago I had shared a devotion on trusting the process and I felt led to do a follow up while I was in prayer.

When we are in the waiting for our breakthrough, miracle, change and promises of God and waiting on Him to move there are things we CANNOT AND MUST NOT let ourselves get stuck in.

While in the process of waiting we can't let ourselves to get and stay discouraged, down, frustrated while in the process.

We have to realize that no only God sees the bigger picture but its so crucial that we stay and walk in the Spirit as well as not fighting wrestling or resisting the process of what God is wanting and trying to do inside and through us.

We have to realize that we are NEVER ALONE and have to stay in a place of surrender and worship daily in prayer and allow the Holy Spirit to make mold and transform us into what and where we need to be for after God moves in our situation we are waiting for.

If we don't stay in that position of prayer and surrender then it opens the door for all the discouragement and frustration to take root in our hearts and minds and we start getting impatient and complain especially when we see everyone else getting their breakthroughs. But if we STOP fighting and resisting the process of what God is trying to do in and through us in the waiting and be like okay God here I am do what you have to do and transform my heart and mind as well as make mold and prepare me for the next season. Then not only we will find contentment in the waiting but we'll experience the peace and joy in the process. Remember God has forgotten about you. Just think of it as your being trained, transformed, and preparing for the things your waiting for.

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